Making a Difference through Friendship and English!

2024 Wilson China Trip

On August 28, 2019, we returned to the USA after having completed our annual Summer English Programs in China. Never did we imagine that the world would change in the next 6 months and it would be 5 years before we could return due to a new virus. China closed its doors to the outside world and most foreigners left due to health issues. Our 10 year visas were suspended until further notice! The USA also restricted its travel abroad and its inbound doors were closed to many. Even if we had gone to China (which was not possible) we would not have been allowed back into the USA!

During these long 5 years we have continued contact with friends in China. The app WeChat is a wonderfully easy way to make phone calls and send messages to China. Of the two of us, David has been the most committed to this path of staying in touch with people who truly matter to us. His thinking: Why sleep when you can send messages to friends! Remember it’s a 12 hour time difference. It’s been fun helping Chinese English teachers with vocabulary questions and grammar questions at midnight! David sent medicine advice to folks who did not have a clue about what they should be doing to stay safe during Covid-19. He just sent them what we would do here in the US. They were very appreciative.

Finally, the world began to settle down. In March 2023 our visas were reinstated though 5 years had been lost. David’s first look for air tickets showed a 500% increase in price. So we waited and waited. Ticket prices began going down to a more “normal” price. We talked and prayed and talked and prayed and finally decided that we would return to China this fall 2024. In mid-August after lots of debates we decided on flying round-trip in and out of Shanghai. We had never done that as most years we’d enter through Beijing and exit through Shanghai. Yet, we chose Shanghai. Then the “when” needed to be decided. Definitely after October 1 which is China’s National Day week-long holiday. Think major congestion and frustration as almost 20% of the population is traveling per day! That’s like the entire population of America on the move all at the same time! So our arrival had to be after this holiday. After trying to get good flights immediately after National Day we had to settle on a later date of October 13 with an overnight in Detroit and our Shanghai arrival on October 15. So the date is set.

All of this happened before we received an invitation letter to attend a US-China Church Forum in Chicago the last week of August! This forum had not occurred since about 10 years ago. While there we met many of the new leaders in the Chinese church structure. Most of those we knew had retired during the epidemic years. Relationships are so important in Chinese culture. We had wondered how we might be able to visit some church offices without knowing the appropriate people. Well, problem solved! Thank you, Lord!

Then another invitation letter arrived. The fact is that this invitation was extended, withdrawn, and re-extended (long story for another time) for us to attend the China Church Symposium to be held in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Beijing (all in 7 days!) Well, can you guess what day that meeting starts? The exact day we land in Shanghai – October 15. We land at 1:45 pm and the opening dinner is at 6 pm. Amazing timing! We can see God’s hand in all this. Many of the new leaders we met in Chicago we will see again in China. Building relationships!

This trip has a three-fold purpose:

  • to determine the future of Volunteers for China English teaching programs,
  • to revive relationships with both national and local church leaders; and
  • to reconnect with multiple Chinese friends; this last one is the most important!

It will be a very busy 60 days ending on December 11. We truly are looking forward to renewing friendships with lots of face to face visits with Chinese friends who have become like family to us.

Several schools have already asked us to speak to their teachers and students when we arrive. A few have expressed that they will not be interested in hosting Summer English Programs in the near future. Yet, a few have said they would be interested and will talk with their leaders to see if its possible. Only the Lord knows what our future in China will be like.

We seek your prayers for:

  • safety as we journey on planes, trains, buses, and Chinese Ubers!
  • kindness, patience, and caring towards every person we meet.
  • openness on the part of those in charge of inviting volunteer teachers.
  • our health, wisdom, and general well-being during our time in China.

Thank you for your interest by reading this long update! We are seeing God’s hands at work as plans are falling into place.

While we are in China, please use these for communication: or 1-865-919-2296 (texting only)